Information for First-time Visitors
Service Time
Sundays at 10:30 AM
Other Things About The Service
Our service follows a liturgical order either from The Lutheran Hymnal or from a printed bulletin. The ushers have an aid to following the service if it is from the hymnal. Our services last between 60 and 75 minutes. The sermon lasts no more than 15.
Where Do I Park?
We have two parking lots: one on 45th Street and a larger one south of the church off Maybelle Street. The main church doors also face Maybelle.
How Should I Dress?
Wear your Sunday best. You will find people dressed in shorts, blue jeans, dresses, suits, and sports coats.
What About Communion?
Trinity practices Closed Communion which is explained here. If you are a first time guest, definitely speak with the pastor before coming forward to receive Communion.
Where Do My Kids Go?
Your kids come to service with you. We have a nursery equipped with a speaker, but it is not a staffed nursery. It is for those times when, for any number of reasons, an infant or toddler is inconsolable, and a parent needs a place to take them. We don't believe in segregating families for worship. We think that is unhealthy, un-Scriptural, and teaches something we don't want taught, i.e. that church is for adults.
What About Sunday School?
From 9:15 to 10:10 we have Sunday School for kids ages 3 years to 8th grade. For the rest – high school to old folks – we have a Bible Class taught by our pastor. For these, enter the building by the gray doors facing Maybelle. Take the first right. Down that hall are the Sunday School classes. The first left takes you to the auditorium and Bible Class.
But I Don't Understand the Worship Service
That's what some folks say the first time they visit a liturgical church service. That's not surprising. The first hour on a job you can't understand everything about the job. The first hour in foreign county you do not know its customs. The first time you order Starbucks their language and customs are strange. The liturgy is the special activity of the baptized people of God. It has its own special language (jargon) like we do at our workplaces. It has its own customs just like we do with our families. The liturgy is the place where God reveals Himself to us and gives us His gifts. The language of the liturgy comes mostly from Scripture – most of it word for word, and it has been used in the Church for almost 2,000 years. So don't worry if it all seems strange. Like anything else, you learn by repetition.