Introduction to Trinity
Trinity Lutheran Church was established in 1938 as a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. She has always been dedicated to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the historic creeds of all Christendom and of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. She is a church that believes Christianity in and of itself is always contemporary. While many churches have gone the way of praise bands, popular culture and political correctness, Trinity, by God's grace, has held to the conviction that the ancient divine liturgy addresses the needs of people today even as it has for centuries.
Visiting Trinity, you will find a Church of the Gospel of Jesus Christ guarded by the creeds accepted by all Christianity (Apostles, Nicene, Athanasian) and those accepted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church. There is no bait-and-switch going on here. We do not lure you in by appealing to your felt needs - as all advertisement does — and then try to get you to buy into our faith. What you see is what we have to offer: forgiveness of sins, deliverance from death and the devil, and eternal salvation.
Visiting Trinity, you will find a church where salvation is certain for you rooted in what Christ Jesus won on the cross and distributes to sinners today through Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion. Trinity exists for the purpose of distributing forgiveness at each and every service.
Visiting Trinity, you will find a church where people deal with the same problems, stresses, and struggles of life that you do. You will find people who crave theological substance not shallow form. People who have found that so called contemporary services are more in step with the times then they are with the rhythms of sin and grace. You will find at Trinity people who are not consumed with how they feel or do not feel about God, but with how God feels about them in Christ Jesus.
In September 2019 Trinity resigned from membership in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and became an independent Confessional Lutheran congregation. This very serious step took place after over 15 years of calling the LCMS to repentance for departures from the Word of God and our Lutheran Confessions. The full documentation for this long struggle is found here on our website.